A journal that narrates every step to “Readings and Project Work for Teaching Literature in ESL Context”

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


23rd September 2010

In reference to the title, the movie we watched today was focusing mostly on teaching. It is a mock documentary that revolves around teachers’ real life stories. In fact, it is both written and directed by teachers, with the aim to provide insights into the lives of teachers and the teachers' perspectives on the High School experience. The movie focuses on the lives of three teachers - Mr. Stroope (played by Chris Mass), Mr. Lowrey (Troy Schremmer) and Coach Webb (Janelle Schremmer), as well as an assistant principal, Mrs. Reddell (Shannon Haragan).

Mr. Stroope is an ambitious teacher who wants to win the Teacher of the Year competition. However, he had problems with being organized and systematic in handling lesson plans, as well as students who are smarter than him. Among the four characters in the story, he shows the least professionalism as teacher. He admitted that he had to do a lot of extra “back-scratching”, extra tutoring, extra caring to the students, etc, in order to win the competition. It seems as though he cares more for the competition, instead of the students and the whole education system. Furthermore, his explosion of anger in his lesson after losing the competition further verifies the statement.

Besides, the story also tells us about Mr. Lowrey – an inexperienced, introverted history teacher who is still wondering whether teaching is for him, and Coach Webb – a female gym teacher who wants people to take things seriously. She demands for the teachers to obey school rules or school system and her students to be serious in her lesson. Last but not the least, the movie tells the story of the first year assistant principal, Mrs. Reddell, who regrets leaving teaching. She had to deal with the new “power” she had and dealing with people who she feels trying to manipulate her power. Well, there goes the famous quote from Spiderman, “With great power comes great responsibility”.

The teaching implications that I obtained from the movie are:

1. Care and teach students sincerely.

It is a teacher’s responsibility to care for their students sincerely. Sincerity is deep down. Teachers do not need to let everyone knows or show to the public, just to win the Teacher of the Year.

2. Be a good role model.

Teachers should not be stealing, cursing, showing tantrums by shouting and throwing chairs in class.

3. Show teacher professionalism.

Control your emotion in the classroom. Never bring personal problems into the class.

4. Equip yourself with adequate knowledge.

Instead of asking students not to show they are too clever with history and big words, teachers should work harder and not blaming the students for intimidating them with their intelligence.

5. Decline offers to work in administration or even education, if you are not ready and not passionate.

It would be unfair to others and yourselves, as shown in Mrs. Reddell and Mr. Lowrey.

All in all, the movie we watched today is an interesting and enlightening movie. It begins with the statement “50% of teachers quit teaching within the first three years.” Then, it uncovers the reasons by showing us the difficulties that teachers have to cope up with in school administration, classrooms and their own personal lives.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, huey fen..
    i was attracted to comment the fifth point which says 'decline offers to work in administration or even education, if you are not ready and not passionate'.
    maybe i agree with the passionate thing but the readiness...i don't know.. how would you know you are not that ready if you have never been in a classroom before and going through the situation? i mean..you did not know what the real situation is and you already make an assumption that you're not ready. i think this is just the game of your mind. of course on the first day of working or even before you accept the job, everybody will get nervous and you worry you're not capable enough to handle the works.this is normal but that doesn't mean you have to decline the offer. life is meaningless without challenges. how are we going to develop ourselves if we do not test ourselves? yes, the students' future is in your hand. but when you believe in yourself that you are capable to help them, that will lead you to do what you intend. it is a matter or motivation..Let the mind speaks..Listen to it with your heart..
